Armstrong, Jennifer

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Emily of the Wild Rose Inn 1858

Vol 3
In 1858, the tensions between the North and South reach the Wild Rose Inn, as the Stockwells, a wealthy Southern family, visit the Inn with their slave, Moses, and young Emily MacKenzie wishes she could help Moses.

Patrick Doyle is full of blarney

Nine-year-old Patrick promises his buddies that his baseball hero will come to their playground in Hell's Kitchen, bat for him, and chase the Copperheads out.

Chin Yu Min and the ginger cat

Through her friendship with a ginger cat, a haughty Chinese widow learns to be humble and to provide for herself.

The whittler's tale

A young girl learns the secret of a strange whittler whose carvings magically come to life.

The dreams of Mairhe Mehan

Mairhe, who lives in an Irish slum in Washington, D.C., in the 1860s, struggles to come to grips with the impact of the Civil War on her family.

Pierre's dream

Thinking he is dreaming, Pierre, a lazy, foolish man, shows no fear as he performs many amazing and dangerous circus acts.

Wan Hu is in the stars

Absent-minded poet Wan Hu is so curious about the stars that finally, after several unsuccessful attempts, he finds a way to travel among them.

Lili the brave

A spirited young girl does not want to leave her home in Norway to go to live in Minnesota, but aboard ship on the way to America, she proves why she is called "Lili the Brave.".

The true story behind Lincoln's Gettysburg Address

Traces the events which led to the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863 and describes the dedication of the cemetery to the fallen soldiers by Lincoln in his famous speech. Includes text of the speech.

The keepers of the flame

After a virus destroys most of the world's adult population, a group of children are delighted to discover a colony of adult survivors in a Florida shopping mall but soon find that they are not as friendly as they appear.


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