Armstrong, Jennifer

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stories of children and war
Presents twelve short stories about the experiences of young children and teenagers in war, showing a variety of perspectives, and provides factual notes on each conflict dramatized.

Spirit of Endurance

An account of the disastrous 1914 expedition to Antarctica and how its members managed to survive.

Shipwreck at the bottom of the world

the extraordinary true story of Shackleton and the Endurance
Describes the events of the 1914 Shackleton Antarctic expedition when, after being trapped in a frozen sea for nine months, their ship, Endurance, was finally crushed, forcing Shackleton and his men to make a very long and perilous journey across ice and stormy seas to reach inhabited land.

The American story

100 true tales from American history
Contains 100 short stories about real people and events in American history, arranged chronologically from 1565 to 2000, including the lost colony of Roanoke, Pocahontas, the Chicago fire, and the 2000 presidential election.

The snowball

A small snowball gets bumped by a skier and rolls down the hill growing in size and picking up people as it goes.

Little Salt Lick and the Sun King

Relates the story of how the Second Assistant Rotisserie Turner at the court of King Louis XIV of France becomes the First Assistant Bearer of the King's Dog.

Once upon a banana

Everyday signs serve as captions for this pictorial tale of what happens after a man tosses a banana peel into the garbage can and misses.


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