Twayne's English authors series

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Robert Browning revisited

Critical introduction to the life and work of Victorian era poet Robert Browning, arranged chronologically, and covering the three main creative periods of his life--the early years from 1833 to 1845, a middle period of married years from 1846 to 1861, and the final phase of productivity from 1861 to 1889.

John Milton

the prose works
Presents a survey of the life and times of seventeenth-century English author John Milton, discussing his epic poems, "Paradise Lost," "Paradise Regained," and "Samson Agonistes," in the context of the times in which they were written.

Francis Bacon revisited

Presents a critical and historical analysis of Francis Bacon's writings, discussing his two dominant features--the world as it is and the world as it could be.

Charlotte Bront?

Provides a critical biography of nineteenth-century British author Charlotte Bront?, and a chronological survey of all her works, including writings from her youth, emphasizing recent feminist, psychoanalytic, and historicist viewpoints.

Alfred Lord Tennyson

the poet in an age of theory
Offers a critical introduction to the life and work of English poet Alfred Lord Tennyson, examining his poetry, plays, and dramatic monologues, and pointing out his lifelong experiments with poetic language and genre.

W. Somerset Maugham

A history and criticism of the works of the English author, William Somerset Maugham.

Dick Francis

An analysis of the work of the mystery and adventure writer with biographical information and interviews with the author and his wife.

Jane Austen

Discusses Austen's six novels--"Sense and Sensibililty," "Pride and Prejudice," "Mansfield Park," "Emma," "Persuasion," and "Northanger Abbey"--plus her other works and the reason she has still remained popular.

Anne Bront?

An introduction to the life and works of Anne Bront?, presenting discussions of her poetry and two novels, "Agnes Grey" and "The Tenant of Wildfell Hall.".


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