Banks, Kate

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The turtle and the hippopotamus

Afraid to swim across the river because of the hippopotamus there, a turtle takes inspiration from other animals in trying other ways to get across.

The Magician's Apprentice

When sixteen-year-old Baz becomes apprentice to a powerful but kind magician, he makes a long journey across the desert and into the mountains, ultimately discovering himself by learning to dispel illusions.

Friends of the heart

amici del cuore
During a summer at her grandparents' Italian seaside home, thirteen-year-old Lucrezia faces a changing relationship with her best friend Oliver and great personal tragedy.

A gift from the sea

Unaware of its eons-old history, a boy finds a rock and takes it home to a shelf beside his sea glass and starfish.

The bird, the monkey, and the snake in the jungle

A bird, a monkey, and a snake lose their home in a tree and go looking for a new home, encountering various jungle animals on the way. Features rebuses, which are identified with labels in the margins of the pages.

The night worker

Alex wants to be a "night worker" like his father who goes to work at a construction site after Alex goes to bed.

Close your eyes

A mother tiger entices her child to sleep by telling of all that can been seen with one's eyes closed.

Walk softly, Rachel

When fourteen-year-old Rachel reads the journal of her brother, who died when she was seven, she learns secrets that help her understand her parents and herself.

That's Papa's way

When a father and child go fishing together, each does certain things his or her own way, and both have a wonderful day.

The bear in the book

At the end of the day a little boy falls asleep as his mama reads about a bear hibernating.


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