Banks, Kate

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Max's dragon

Many unusual and unexpected things happen while Max plays with his invisible dragon.

Howie Bowles and Uncle Sam

When he finds out that he was born on Friday the thirteenth, third-grader Howie Bowles becomes convinced that bad luck is causing all his problems.

The cat who walked across France

After his owner dies, a cat wanders across the countryside of France, unable to forget the home he had in the stone house by the edge of the sea.

The great blue house

When its owners leave, a summer house comes alive with the sounds of a mouse nibbling crumbs in the fall, a cat taking shelter in the winter, and rain falling on the roof in the spring.

Monkeys and the universe

Max and his older brother Pete learn about stars, planets, and galaxies when their father takes them to an astronomical observatory.

Dillon Dillon

During the summer that he turns ten years old, Dillon Dillon learns the surprising story behind his name and develops a relationship with three loons, living on the lake near his family's New Hampshire cabin, that help him make sense of his life.

Howie Bowles, secret agent

Third-grader Howie Bowles copes with having to change schools twice in one year by pretending to be a secret agent named Agent Bean Burger.

The eraserheads

Three eraserheads that live with a boy in the land of pencils, paper, rulers, numbers, letters, and drawings become trapped in one of his pictures while trying to correct mistakes.

What's coming for Christmas?

While a farm family bustles about, preparing for the arrival of Christmas, they do not notice the great anticipation spreading among the animals, who know that something very special is on its way.

The night worker

Alex wants to be a "night worker" like his father who goes to work at a construction site after Alex goes to bed.


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