Advice for making conversation, speaking effectively, and saying the appropriate things at such times as when making introductions, refusing invitations, and attending formal ceremonies.
Discusses the many aspects of speech as a communication device, including the physiology of speech, how children learn to talk, how to speak effectively, speech for the deaf, and talking machines.
Discusses the importance of good communication skills in the workplace, explaining how to write and speak with confidence, and looking at other areas of effective communication.
Provides information on various careers in the field of communications, including education and experience needed, duties performed, and where the jobs are.
Examines the early history of telecommunications, discussing the work of Samuel Morse, Alexander Graham Bell, and other inventors who contributed to the efforts to create the telegraph and telephone.
Discusses how communication has changed from the first written language and the use of paper through advances using the spoken word and moving images to the development and widespread use of computers.