Traces the history and development of communications systems in the United States, looking at some of the methods people used in the past to get the news and keep in touch with each other.
An introduction to communication, explaining how sound is made, how people learn by talking and asking questions, and how people rely on communication skills in their everyday lives.
Explores the technical developments of satellite communication during the 1960s and highlights the raw images captured by photojournalists around the world during the decade.
Presents biographical and career sketches of ten successful practitioners working in fields related to communications technology, taking the reader through a typical day at work, with advice on career planning and hints for landing a job.
Describes ways people communicate; why good communication is important; setting communication goals; communicating about sex, drugs, and suicide; and ways to advocate for others.
An illustrated history of communications and media, discussing body language and gestures, writing, postal systems, the press, radio and television, propaganda, the computer revolution, and many other topics.