mindfulness (psychology)

Topical Term
mindfulness (psychology)

Breathe and be

a book of mindfulness poems
Collects poetry that reminds the reader to be mindful and aware of themselves and their surroundings.

Master of mindfulness

how to be your own superhero in times of stress
"'Master of Mindfulness' is written for kids by kids, and includes...illustrations and tips to show you how to be confident, get focused, stay calm, and tap into your own inner strength"--Back cover.

A world of pausabilities

an exercise in mindfulness
"Children (and adults) live in a fast-paced, demanding and stressful world. It is often difficult to slow-down our children's minds and bodies. This book was written to teach children to take a pause in their lives, to stop activity, to understand quiet time, and to think about what they are doing and where they are going"--Provided by publisher.

I am peace

a book of mindfulness
A young girl shares ways she is mindful and how it helps promote peace in her life.


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