
Topical Term

Connecting leadership with learning

a framework for reflection, planning, and action

Learning journals

a handbook for reflective practice and professional development
A guide to the use of journal writing for personal and professional development, with tips on integrating the practice into courses and in support of activities, and includes information on assessment, reflective writing, use of narrative techniques, and more.

Different learners

identifying, preventing, and helping your child's learning problems
Explains a range of learning disorders, including ADHD, dyslexia, and Asperger's syndrome, and examines ways of identifying problems early and taking appropriate remedial action at home, at school, and in the community.

Memorizing strategies & other brain-based activities that help kids learn, review, and recall

Explains for grades four and up how memory works and how and when to review information for the best recall, discussing such strategies as mnemonics and presenting several reproducible review games.

Guided inquiry design in action

"Demonstrates exactly how to integrate and implement Guided Inquiry Design (GID) theory into practice. Answers the needs of teachers and librarians who are seeking actual lesson plans using the GID concepts specifically at the [elementary] grade levels"--Provided by publisher.

Self-regulated learning for academic success

how do I help students manage their thoughts, behaviors, and emotions?
Present instructional strategies and ideas to help students learn to manage and self-regulate their learning.

How to teach so students remember

Presents seven strategies teachers can use to help their students increase their capacity to remember information presented in the classroom.

Teachers' pets

Join Ariel, Belle, Tiana and the rest of the Disney princesses for some royal lessons!.

Worksheets don't grow dendrites

20 instructional strategies that engage the brain
Describes twenty strategies teachers may use to engage students' brains in the learning process, based on the findings of learning style theorists and neuroscientists, including the use of humor and stories, the incorporation of games in lessons, singing and dancing, and others.
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