protest movements

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protest movements

Fugitive days

memoirs of an antiwar activist
Famous 1960s radical Bill Ayers shares details of a decade spent living underground, from his days on the "ten most wanted" list to his part in breaking Timothy Leary out of jail.

Telltale Hearts

the origins and impact of the Vietnam antiwar movement

Who protested against the Vietnam War?

Uses primary sources to investigate who protested against the Vietnam War, what they did, and what happened to them.

Public enemy

confessions of an American dissident
"In this sequel to Fugitive Days, Ayers charts his life after the Weather Underground, when he becomes the GOP's flaunted "domestic terrorist," a "public enemy." Labeled a "domestic terrorist" by the McCain campaign in 2008 and used by the radical right in an attempt to castigate Obama for "pallin' around with terrorists," Bill Ayers is in fact a dedicated teacher, father, and social justice advocate with a sharp memory and even sharper wit. Public Enemy tells his story from the moment he and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, emerged from years on the run and rebuilt their lives as public figures, often celebrated for their community work and much hated by the radical right. In the face of defamation by conservative media, including a multimillion-dollar campaign aimed solely at demonizing Ayers, and in spite of frequent death threats, Bill and Bernardine stay true to their core beliefs in the power of protest, demonstration, and deep commitment. Ayers reveals how he has navigated the challenges and triumphs of this public life with steadfastness and a dash of good humor--from the red carpet at the Oscars, to prison vigils and airports (where he is often detained and where he finally "confesses" that he did write Dreams from My Father), and ultimately on the ground at Grant Park in 2008 and again in 2012"--.


Henry Perowne, a London neurosurgeon, goes through his normal Saturday activities, including a weekly squash game, but his unease grows as he makes his way through the throngs of anti-war protesters clogging London's streets, until a minor car accident with the petulant Baxter begins a series of events that erupts into violence.

Hearts and minds

Examines the Vietnam War through the perspectives of the Vietnamese people, U.S. armed forces in Vietnam, and people in the United States.

Unfriendly fire

a mother's memoir

The struggle for student rights

Tinker v. Des Moines and the 1960s
Addresses the issues that were raised regarding First Amendment freedoms during the Tinker v. Des Moines court case.

Northern passage

American Vietnam War resisters in Canada

Our war

what we did in Vietnam and what it did to us


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