protest movements

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protest movements

Ravens in the storm

a personal history of the 1960s antiwar movement
In 1964, Carl Oglesby, a young copywriter for a Michigan-based defense contractor, was asked to draft a campaign paper on the Vietnam War. The subsequent publication of that paper, in which he argued that the conflict was misplaced and unwinnable, would put him on the fast track to becoming the president of the protest movement, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).

Campus wars

the peace movement at American state universities in the Vietnam era

An American requiem

God, my father, and the war that came between us
A memoir in which the author discusses his relationship with his father, a high-ranking general during the Vietnam War, and tells about his entry into the priesthood where he became part of the radical faction protesting the war, and his decision to leave the church in order to marry and have a family.

Tinker vs. Des Moines

student rights on trial
Using edited transcripts of testimony, recreates the trial of John Tinker and two other students who were suspended from school for protesting the Vietnam War, and invites the reader to act as judge and jury.

An American ordeal

the antiwar movement of the Vietnam era
"Syracuse studies on peace and conflict resolution." An interpretive history of the antiwar movement in the United States throughout the Vietnam era.

The peace commandos

nonviolent heroes in the struggle against war and injustice
A history of peace movements in the United States, including discussions of the principles behind nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience.

Assault on the Left

the FBI and the sixties antiwar movement
Describes the practices of the FBI counterintelligence group COINTELPRO against leftist advocates, proponents of the antiwar movement, hippies, and others that were deemed subversive by the organization in the 1960s and early 1970s.


the 1970 bombing of the Army Math Research Center at the University of Wisconsin and its aftermath
The bombing of the University of Wisconsin's Army Mathematics Research Center at Madison in August, 1970.

Delivering justice

W.W. Law and the fight for civil rights
An illustrated biography of civil rights leader Wesley Wallace Law, who helped to end segregation in Savannah, Georgia during the 1960s.

Burn this house

the making and unmaking of Yugoslavia
Presents an overview of the former Yugoslavia, past and present, discussing the history of internal strife from 1839 to 1980, the role of the media and army through two wars, and Serbian and Croatian opposition to ultranationalism.


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