A chronicle of the 1910s, examining notable events and trends in fashion, the arts, sports, politics, and science. Includes a time line and references.
Traces the events, trends, and important people of the 1900s, covering science, technology, medicine, politics, sports, the arts and entertainment, lifestyle, fashion, and fads.
Examines the events and developments that shaped the 1920s in the U.S., covering social issues, domestic and foreign politics, fashions and fads, arts and entertainment, sports, science and technology, and medicine.
Profiles the life and work of Johannes Gutenberg, describing his personal life, inventions, and how the printing press changed the world; and including related Web addresses and suggestions for further reading.
A brief biography of actor Denzel Washington that profiles his childhood, struggles and triumphs as an actor, and his many contributions to his community.
Explores the life and achievements of Colin Powell; discussing his childhood in New York; military training; Vietnam War experience; careers as national security advisor, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Secretary of State; and retirement.
Explores the life and achievements of Muhammad Ali; discussing his childhood in Kentucky; his amateur and professional boxing careers; his protest against the Vietnam War; and his fight with Parkinson's disease.
Explores the life and achievements of Oprah Winfrey; discussing her troubled childhood; her careers as a news anchorwoman, actor, and a talk show host; and her role in the promotion of the National Child Protection Law.
Traces the private and public life of America's seventh president, who was orphaned at the age of fourteen. Includes Internet links to Web sites, source documents, and photographs related to Andrew Jackson.