Feinstein, Stephen

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The call of the wild

An adaptation of Jack London's novel in which the dog hero, Buck, is stolen from his home and pressed into service as a sled dog in the Klondike.

The 1980s

from Ronald Reagan to MTV
Traces the events, trends, and important people of the 1980s, including science, technology, environmental disasters, politics, fashion, the arts, sports, and entertainment.

The 1970s

from Watergate to disco
Traces the events, trends, and important people of the 1970s, including science, technology, environmental issues, politics, fashion, the arts, sports, and entertainment.

The 1960s

from the Vietnam War to flower power
Traces the events, trends, politics, and important people of the 1960s, including lifestyles, fashion, arts and entertainment, sports, environmental issues, and technology.

The 1950s from the Korean War to Elvis

Traces the events, trends, and important people of the 1950s, including science, technology, politics, fashion, the arts, sports, and entertainment.

The 1940s

from World War II to Jackie Robinson
Discusses the fashions, fads, politics, advances in medicine and technology, people, and world issues that made the 1940s a unique time in American and world history.

The 1930s

from the Great Depression to the Wizard of Oz
Describes the major American events and people of the 1930s.

The 1920s

from prohibition to Charles Lindbergh
A chronicle of the 1920s, including the fads, triumphs, tragedies, and fashions of that decade.

Barack Obama

A simple biography of President Barack Obama discussing his childhood, ethnic background, family, and career in politics.

Read about Harriet Tubman

Presents a biography about Harriet Tubman, who escaped to the north from Maryland and later returned several times to lead over three hundred other slaves to freedom.


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