Discusses the psychological issues at work in the lives of East Germans as a result of living under Communist rule which are making it difficult for the people to adjust to democracy, and expresses concern that the two Germanies, in their rush to reunification, have failed to deal with their Nazi past.
Presents George Orwell's report on conditions among the unemployed as well as the employed in the north of England in 1937,and includes his views on the failures of socialism and socialists, and features an introductory rebuttal by Victor Gollancz, one of the founders of the Left Book Club which commissioned Orwell's article.
Lenin continues to write during the Russian Revolution. He remembers what Marx and Engels wrote about the state and revolution and together with his own thoughts, he concludes that the importance of the revolution is not only that of a practical political nature but the revolution also addresses the problem of elucidating to the masses what they will have to do for their liberation from the yoke of capitalism.