
Topical Term

On the emancipation of women

Lenin's thoughts (taken from letters, notes and speeches) on the emancipation of women and their role in society and the party. The preface is written by his wife, an active member of the socialist movement.

The Development of capitalism in Russia

How a home market will be formed for Russian capitalism.

State and revolution

Lenin continues to write during the Russian Revolution. He remembers what Marx and Engels wrote about the state and revolution, and, together with his own thoughts, he concludes that the importance of the revolution is not only that of a practical political nature but the revolution also addresses the problem of elucidating to the masses what they will have to do for their liberation from the yoke of capitalism.

Between the two revolutions

articles and speeches of 1917
The material in this collection brings together the events of 1917 and shows how the February bourgeois-democratic revolution developed into the October Socialist Revolution.

The Right of nations to self-determination

Lenin uses his theories to anaylze the question of the right of nations to self-determination, specifically and historically in Russia, Norway and Poland, and he discusses national oppression, colonialism, chauvinism and opportunism.

Marx, Engles: on colonialism

Marx and Engels deal with the history of colonialism and the Marxist analysis of the economies of colonial policy.

Anarchism and anarcho-syndicalism

Major writings on the idea and practice of anarchism and writings on the syndicalist and economist trends in the labor movement and sectarian and leftist tendencies in the Communist movement during and after the Russian Revolution of 1917.

Marx and Engels on religion

Views on the essence and origin of religion and its role in class society.


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