fake news

Topical Term
fake news

Unpacking fake news

an educator's guide to navigating the media with students

What's freedom of the press?

Readers deepen their understanding of this important civics and media literacy topic through relevant photographs and graphic organizers that encourage the development of critical thinking skills.

Developing digital detectives

essential lessons for discerning fact from fiction in the 'fake news' era
"From the authors of the bestselling Fact vs. Fiction, this book offers easy-to-implement lessons to engage students in becoming media literacy "digital detectives," looking for clues, questioning motives, uncovering patterns, developing theories and, ultimately, delivering a verdict"--.
Cover image of Developing digital detectives

How social media impacts news

"Examines the benefits of spreading news fast, but it also highlights the dangers of incomplete or fake stories going viral on social media"--.

Fake news in focus

"This insightful book explores the fake news phenomenon, helping students think critically about where their news comes from"--Provided by publisher.

Fake news

"As news media has moved past established old-time sources and into new forms--and as the cry of 'fake news' is used for both false sources and real news that people dislike--it becomes more and more difficult to know what to trust. In this informative book, readers will learn what clues and signs to watch for when reading, watching, or listening to news media. Useful tips will help them figure out when to look deeper on social media, and intriguing facts will give perspective to help them learn more about the role of the free press in U.S. society"--Provided by publisher.

Mind over media

propaganda education for a digital age
". . . Renee Hobbs demonstrates how a global perspective on contemporary propaganda enables educators to stimulate both the intellectual curiosity and the cultural sensitivities of students. Replete with classroom and online learning activities and samples of student work, 'Mind Over Media' provides a state-of-the-art look at the theory and practice of propaganda in contemporary society, and shows how to build learners' critical thinking and communication skills on topics including computational propaganda, content marketing, fake news, and disinformation"--Provided by publisher.

Identifying fake news

"Examines why fake information spreads, the dangers it can cause, and how readers can recognize fake news and avoid having their opinions shaped by it"--.

What are hoaxes and lies?

Read about hoaxes and lies that have been spread in both the past and present, and learn how they have deceived people.

Fake news

separating truth from fiction
"This title explores journalistic and fact-checking standards, Constitutional protections, and real-world case studies, helping readers identify the mechanics, perpetrators, motives, and psychology of fake news. A final chapter explores methods for assessing and avoiding the spread of fake news"--Provided by publisher.


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