fake news

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fake news

Defining and discussing freedom of the press

Recent events have shone a bright spotlight on the news media, including "fake news," internet trolls, and attacks on journalists. This book describes the history of the right to freedom of the press, how the constitution protects reporters, and what happens in places where the press is not free.
Cover image of Defining and discussing freedom of the press

Breaking the news

what's real, what's not, and why the difference matters
"A look at culture's relationship with journalism, and an effort to teach kids what is 'real' versus 'fake' news"-- Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Breaking the news

True or false

a CIA analyst's guide to spotting fake news
Explores the history of Fake News and provides tips for how to spot it.

What are satire and parody?

An introduction to satire and parody, describing the differences, and examples throughout history.

Coping with fake news and disinformation

Readers will learn about the foundations and value of press freedom, be introduced to important investigative reports, get background on historical and recent press controversies, read how easily disinformation can spread, and discover the tools and resources available to help news consumers detect fake news and stop its spread.

Ethics in journalism

Explores the issues surrounding ethics in journalism by placing opinions from a wide range of sources in a pro/com format.

Fake news, bias, and media literacy

Although news outlets are meant to be impartial, they have never been perfectly unbiased. After the 2016 U.S. presidential election, the term "fake news" became part of people's vocabulary, adding to the public's mistrust of the media. In today's society, learning how to cultivate media literacy by spotting unreliable sources and biased reporting is crucial. This volume explores the fake news phenomenon and offers readers tips on how to be critical of what they see reported.

Coping with fake news and disinformation

"Readers will learn about the foundations and value of press freedom, be introduced to important investigative reports, get background on historical and recent press controversies, read how easily disinformation can spread, and discover the tools and resources available to help news consumers detect fake news and stop its spread"--Provided by publisher.

How does fake news threaten society?

Explores how fake news can threaten society, including in politics, in health and science, and how it affects teens.

Should we trust the news?

Explores the discussion of whether we should trust what the news tells us.
Cover image of Should we trust the news?


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