arms control

Topical Term
arms control

Taking a stand against nuclear war

Surveys the history of the nuclear arms race, the proliferation of weapons, and efforts by nations and individuals to prevent their use.


the road to peace
Discusses the events that brought about the nuclear age, the economics of the arms race, the Star Wars proposal, and the possibilty of nuclear terrorism by Third World guerillas.

Nuclear weapons and nonproliferation

a reference book
Contains articles that explore the history of nuclear weapons and nonproliferation efforts, examines issues and controversies related to the topic, and includes a chronology, a look at notable people and events, facts and documents, a list of organizations, associations, and governmental agencies, and a selection of print and nonprint resources.

Way out there in the blue

Reagan, Star Wars, and the end of the Cold War
Presents a portrait of Ronald Reagan and his presidency, using his proposed Star Wars defense as a lens through which to examine the extent to which national discourse about foreign and defense policy is not about reality, but instead a matter of domestic politics, history, and mythology.

Nuclear proliferation

opposing viewpoints
Presents differing opinions on the threat of nuclear proliferation, the need for arms control, the role of NATO, the elimination of nuclear weapons, and other related topics.

Avoiding Armageddon

our future, our choice
Describes the possible threats to individual and national security, including the threat of nuclear, biological, and chemical attacks from other countries.

The fragile flag

A nine-year-old girl leads a march of children from Massachusetts to Washington, in protest against the President's new missile which is capable of destroying the Earth.

Weapons of mass destruction

This detailed volume examines various weapons of mass destruction and the science behind them, their effects on conflict, and the various arms control treaties and agreements that have been introduced to help curb the possibility of overwhelming loss.

The arms trade

Discusses the arms trade, how it works, whether it is sufficiently controlled, and whether there are alternative forms of trade.

Peace, a dream unfolding

Contains literary passages tracing the origins, historical development, and flowering of today's global peace movement. Also confronts the possibility of nuclear destruction.


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