arms control

Topical Term
arms control

The fragile flag

A nine-year-old girl leads a march of children from Massachusetts to Washington, in protest against the President's new missile which is capable of destroying the earth.

Nuclear security

Provides in-depth discussion of the pros and cons of nuclear security.

Poison in the wind

the spread of chemical and biological weapons
A collection of essays, with accompanying illustrations and photographs, presenting a variety of viewpoints on chemical and biological weapons.

Arms control

Discusses the various people, conferences, and treaties which have tried to limit the use of various military weapons, from the mid-nineteenth century to the present.

The age of deception

nuclear diplomacy in treacherous times
Discusses the author's tenure as Director General of the International Atomic Agency, including his dealings with America, negotiations with Iran, and attempts to engage North Korea, in a book that also examines the possibility of a nuclear-free future.

The dead hand

the untold story of the Cold War arms race and its dangerous legacy
A history of the end of the arms race describes the Soviet Union's development of an automatic retaliatory attack system, the United States's efforts to create space-based missile defenses, and the struggle to prevent nuclear weapons from being acquired by terrorists.

The atomic bazaar

the rise of the nuclear poor
Discusses the danger that exists due to the production of nuclear weapons in poor countries that are potentially hostile to the West, and considers the likelihood of terrorists obtaining nuclear weapons, leaving the U.S. and other Western countries without a clear target for retaliation.

Disarming Iraq

Hans Blix, head of the United Nations weapons inspection team, provides an account of events leading up to the U.S. declaration of war against Iraq in 2003, focusing on the question of whether Iraq really did have weapons of mass destruction as claimed by the U.S. and U.K.

Fatal choice

nuclear weapons and the illusion of missile defense
Examines the history of arms control efforts in the West since the 1960s, and explains why the author believes it is imperative to adopt a strong policy of arms reduction, especially in light of escalating terrorism.


the inside story of the North Korean nuclear crisis
Analyzes the history of America's foreign relations with North Korea and argues that the George Bush administration botched America's relationship with the country causing a nuclear crisis. Draws on hundreds of interviews with key political players around the world including Colin Powell, John Bolton, and ex-Korean president Kim Dae-jung.


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