This book explores controversial issues involving gambling including whether gambling is harmful to society, whether legalized gambling benefits states and communities, and whether government promotion of gambling is harmful.
Presents differing opinions on the war on terror, the increased power of law enforcement in the investigation of terrorism, and increased national security following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
Provides varying perspectives on issues related to marijuana, discussing the dangers of the drug, the enforcement of marijuana laws, and whether or not marijuana should be legalized, and looking at the future of marijuana policy in the U.S.
Examines private property rights in America in accordance with the interpretation of the Fifth Amendment; and includes essays that debate the government's right to seize private property for public use.
Offers opposing views on the Social Security system, its current financial problems, and its uncertain future. Includes a conclusion, legal statutes and opinions, sidebars, and appendices for legal research.
Presents opposing viewpoints about whether or not newspapers, television, and other media are biased in their reporting. Addresses accusations that a liberal elite controls the media and rejects mainstream American values. Discusses whether media critics' claims are exaggerated. Analyzes First Amendment requirements and the emergence of new and alternate media formats.