A series of controversial essays that explain the debate over legalized gambling in America and the issues associated with it as a result of online casinos and illegal sports betting.
Discusses the origin of the Miranda rights, and provides opposing viewpoints on the legislation's legality, appropriateness, use by crime fighters, and other related issues.
Presents both sides of the issues regarding legal reforms of certain lawsuits that some lawmakers consider frivolous and costly to the American consumer.
Presents an examination of the debate about the bias in the media, providing a discussion of the various views of fairness and politics in American journalism and media.
Explores the arguments both for and against mandatory military service, analyzing the fundamental issues surrounding the debate over mandatory service in the United States.
Provides varying perspectives on issues related to marijuana, discussing the dangers of the drug, the enforcement of marijuana laws, and whether or not marijuana should be legalized, and looking at the future of marijuana policy in the U.S.
Provides varying perspectives on issues related to marijuana, discussing the dangers of the drug, the enforcement of marijuana laws, and whether or not marijuana should be legalized, and looking at the future of marijuana policy in the U.S.
Provides an overview of violence, entertainment, and society, features articles that present varying perspectives on whether violence in entertainment should be regulated, and includes sidebars, opinions, and reviews of related court cases.
Examines both sides of the controversy over whether or not the American government should make an increased effort in protect Earth's climate and reducing global warming.