Understanding anxiety

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What is social anxiety?

"A lot of people casually claim they have social anxiety. But what does that mean? Social anxiety is more than just being quiet or shy. It's a form of anxiety brought on by situations in which a person interacts with other people. People with social anxiety are so fearful of being judged by their peers that they may be unable to make friends or do the things they want to do. In this volume, readers learn some of the triggers of social anxiety and how they can seek help for this common condition"--Provided by publisher.

What is depression?

"Everyone experiences sadness at some point in their life-but not everyone experiences depression. Depression is extreme sadness and feeling discouragement, despair, or hopelessness from weeks to years at a time. People who experience depression often don't take enjoyment from life and don't have much energy, motivation, or concentration. In this volume, readers will learn what causes depression, steps to a diagnosis, and different types of treatments. They'll also learn that it's OK not to be OK, but that it's important to talk about how they're feeling with people who are available to help"--Provided by publisher.

What is anxiety?

"Many students deal with feelings of overwhelming anxiety, both in and out of school. With anxiety disorders diagnosed in children more than ever before, it's essential to give young people an understanding of what anxiety is and how it can be treated. This book gives readers the tools they need to recognize anxiety and understand how it works, both in themselves and in others. Through accessible text and images, readers will gain a deep knowledge of the concept of anxiety and mental health, a valuable addition to any social and emotional learning curriculum as well as everyday life"--Provided by publisher.

What is a panic attack?

"Panic attacks can strike at any time, making a student feel a strong physical response to stress and anxiety. This book helps readers understand what a panic attack is and how they can deal with such an attack if it arises. Readers will learn about the mental and physical symptoms of panic attacks, as well as various coping strategies. This book provides readers with the tools to get help for their panic attacks and ways to help others who might be suffering from panic disorder. Engaging and relatable text will make this serious subject accessible and make this text the perfect addition to social and emotional learning curricula"--Provided by publisher.

What are phobias?

"'Phobia' is a word that's thrown around a lot in everyday conversation, but it's often used incorrectly. A phobia is a strong, irrational fear of an object or a situation, one that often causes great anxiety. This sensitive and informative volume is a useful guide for readers who may be grappling with a phobia or who know someone who is. In the carefully researched explanations, they'll learn what may cause phobias, how they're diagnosed and treated, and the many people who can offer help and hope to those with phobias"--Provided by publisher.

What are phobias?

"'Phobia' is a word that's thrown around a lot in everyday conversation, but it's often used incorrectly. A phobia is a strong, irrational fear of an object or a situation, one that often causes great anxiety. This sensitive and informative volume is a useful guide for readers who may be grappling with a phobia or who know someone who is. In the carefully researched explanations, they'll learn what may cause phobias, how they're diagnosed and treated, and the many people who can offer help and hope to those with phobias"--Provided by publisher.
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