Mob rule or the wisdom of the crowd? / Sorensen, Lita

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Mob rule or the wisdom of the crowd?

"One of the tenets of democracy is that everyone has a voice in decision making and that the decisions made are what the majority wants. Many argue that wisdom of the crowd prevails in democracies, but are political decisions actually reached by a clear consensus, or does angry factionalism prevent this? Does irrational mob rule cause people to gang together and lash out against the opposition? Are the majority of citizens satisfied with the political situation? This volume explores whether political organization is possible without the violence of mob rule, as well as how contemporary political events fit into this debate"--Provided by publisher.

Mob rule or the wisdom of the crowd?

"One of the tenets of democracy is that everyone has a voice in decision making and that the decisions made are what the majority wants. Many argue that wisdom of the crowd prevails in democracies, but are political decisions actually reached by a clear consensus, or does angry factionalism prevent this? Does irrational mob rule cause people to gang together and lash out against the opposition? Are the majority of citizens satisfied with the political situation? This volume explores whether political organization is possible without the violence of mob rule, as well as how contemporary political events fit into this debate"--Provided by publisher.
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