web search engines

Topical Term
web search engines

Searching smart on the World Wide Web

tools and techniques for getting quality results
Discusses how to use the World Wide Web to search the Internet for resources and information; includes software with Netscape Bookmarks and Internet Explorer sites.

How to find almost anything on the Internet

a kid's guide to safe searching
Shows children how to use such Internet search engines as "Yahoo!," "Excite," and "AltaVista.".

The search

how Google and its rivals rewrote the rules of business and transformed our culture
Explains how Google became one of the world's leading IPOs and reveals how it contributed to changes in information searching and viral marketing.


the ultimate Google resource
Provides information on the features of Google, including such topics as Gmail, AdSense, AdWords, the Google Desktop, Google Earth, Blogger, and Picasa.

Yahoo! to the max

an extreme searcher guide
A guide to the Yahoo! tools available for online research, communication, investment, e-commerce, and other activities that includes tips for taking advantage of all the available resources and offerings.

The extreme searcher's Internet handbook

a guide for the serious searcher
Provides ideas, techniques, and resources to effectively search the Internet and is intended for librarians, teachers, students, writers, and professionals.

Careers creating search engines

Explores options in the career field of search engine technology, examines Google's success, and discusses the field's future.


the end of the world as we know it
Examines the influence of Google, Inc. on the twenty-first century's changing media landscape, covering how the company's Internet search engine and other features have changed the way people live and work, and speculates as to the future of the industry.

Planet Google

one company's audacious plan to organize everything we know
Describes the growth and development of Google's plan to organize everything we know as it already controls sixty-eight percent of all Web searches and profits. Discusses how Google contains an array of new services along with a wireless phone spectrum as well as other related business.

Google hacks

A guide to using the Google search engine that explains how to perform a wide variety of tasks using Google and offers tips and tools to help people search for answers faster.


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