Today's students need to know how to find credible, trustworthy sources on the Internet. This skill is not only a necessity for success in school, it is also an important step in becoming a discerning individual in a world full of misinformation.
Uses illustrations and text to introduce the concept of search engines and how they work, covering the use of keywords and offering general tips and techniques; reviews six of the most popular Web search engines; and discusses some of the best specialized search engines.
how Google and its rivals rewrote the rules of business and transformed our culture
Battelle, John
The author explores the creation of Google and Internet search technology, and describes its impact on the media, marketing, pop culture, job hunting, civil liberties, and much more.
how one company's audacious plan to organize everything we know
Stross, Randall E
A behind-the-scenes look at Google, Randy Stross reveals Google's new plan--including such potentially disruptive intiatives as free downloadable software, and GoogleEarth and GoogleMaps satellite technology.
Traces the history of Google and explores the lives and careers of its founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Features informative text, color photographs, a timeline, a glossary, source notes, and further resources.
Provides an overview of basic and advanced Internet searching techniques, and includes information on search engines, word and phrase searches, Web site classifications, URLs and domain names, Wiki sites and blogs, and more.
The company that is now Google began as a partnership of ideas between two Stanford University graduate students, Sergey Brin and Larry Page. This perceptive book includes sidebars on the company's innovations, a biographical fact sheet on Brin, Page, and Eric Schmidt, CEO.