noah's ark

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noah's ark

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Genesis 6-8, Noah's ark
Contains just twenty-five words and describes the story of Noah's ark in a simple manner.

On Noah's ark

Noah's granddaughter assists him in bringing the animals two-by-two on to the ark and helps them adjust to their new cramped quarters during the next forty days of rain.

The story of Noah's ark

God directs Noah, the only good man left on earth, to build an ark, so that his family and two of each species of animal may be saved when the great flood comes to destroy every other living thing.

Noah's ark

a story from the Bible
A simple retelling of the Old Testament story of Noah, who followed God's orders to build a great ark in preparation for the coming flood.

Who built the ark?

based on an African-American spiritual ; illustrated by Pam Paparone
A gospel music version of the Noah's ark story.

Aardvarks, disembark!

After the flood, Noah calls out of the ark a variety of little-known animals, many of which are now endangered.

Noah & the ark & the animals

Retells the Bible story of Noah's ark from an animal's point of view.

Many waters

Murray Family Series Book 4
The fifteen-year-old Murry twins, Sandy and Dennys, are accidentally sent back to a strange Biblical time period, in which mythical beasts roam the desert and a man named Noah is building a boat in preparation for a great flood.

Noah and his ark

A retelling of the story of the Flood that lasted forty days, and the Ark on which Noah, his family, and a pair of each kind of animal took refuge.


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