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The dream where the losers go

After spending five months in treatment, Skey still doesn't know why she hurt herself, but when she meets another boy her own age who has many of the same problems, she begins to understand her own destructive behavior.

Drowning Anna

Brainy, shy Anna Goldsmith, having moved from London to Yorkshire, is thrilled to be befriended by Hayley Parkin, the most popular girl in her new school, but over the course of several years it becomes evident that Hayley's motives are not at all kind.

Tommysaurus rex

To help him get over the death of his dog, Ely's parents send him to Grandpa's farm for the summer, but when Ely discovers a Tyrannosaurus Rex trapped in a cave on the farm, he tries to tame the dinosaur and convince the whole town that his new pet is not a threat.

Flashcards of my life

a novel
Emily uses the journaling flashcards her aunt gave her as a birthday gift to help her sort out her friendships, attitudes, and family oddities.

Shadows on the sea

In 1942, fourteen-year-old Jill goes to stay with her grandmother on the coast of Maine, where she is introduced to the often gossipy nature of small-town life, and discovers that the war is closer than she thought.

Trout and me

Ben's troubles at school get progressively worse when he starts hanging around Trout, a new boy in his fifth grade class, who is also labeled as learning disabled.

Amelia rules!

the whole world's crazy
Presents a collection of comic stories featuring Amelia, who has moved from Manhattan to a small town in the wake of her parent's divorce, and her fourth-grade friends, the Gathering of Awesome Super Pals, otherwise known as G.A.S.P.

Always and forever

two novels
Presents two novels that follow the life of sixteen-year-old Melissa Austin after she is diagnosed with leukemia, and the struggles of her friend Jory, and her other friends and family members to come to terms with the fact that Melissa is dying.

If I should die before I wake

Fourteen-year-old Deanne decides to spend her summer vacation helping in the oncology ward of the hospital and risks having her heart broken when she befriends a young man dying of cancer.

You are so cursed!

Posing as a witch, outcast high-school coed Vickie Marotti attempts to use street magic and a dangerous persona to make her life easier, until popular upperclassman Gio Carson sees through her smoke and mirrors.


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