
Topical Term

Leading with the heart

Coach K's successful strategies for basketball, business, and life
Mike Krzyzewski, basketball coach at Duke University, shares the leadership lessons he has learned throughout his life from his childhood in a Polish Chicago neighborhood, to his days at the U.S. Military Academy, and his tenure at Duke.

Chicken soup for the American Idol soul

A collection of stories from a number of people associated with the television show "American Idol" including top finalists, members of the crew, producers, and fans.

Of beetles and angels

a true story of the American dream
The author describes his experience as a refugee from Africa who immigrated to the United States, lived on welfare, and eventually graduated from Harvard University.

Do you!

12 laws to access the power in you to achieve happiness and success
Hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons shares the twelve rules he has followed on his path to success and offers advice on how people can achieve happiness and fulfillment in all aspects of their lives.

Before you leap

a frog's-eye view of life's greatest lessons
Kermit the Frog shares the behind-the-scenes story of his climb from swamp to Hollywood, and offers advice on attaining dreams, finding love, overcoming obstacles, and other topics.

Having it all?

Black women and success
Explores the challenges and stereotypes African-American women still face at the dawn of the twenty-first century.

Principle-centered leadership

A step-by-step guide to the principles of effective leadership needed to achieve success in life and business.

Understanding Death of a salesman

a student casebook to issues, sources, and historical documents
A collection of social, cultural, and historical documents that are designed to help students read and understand Arthur Miller's play "Death of a Salesman.".

See Jane win

the Rimm report on how 1,000 girls became successful women
Presents the results of a three-year inquiry into the lives of satisfied women who have achieved success in their careers, identifying the factors that inspired these women to pursue happiness in their jobs, and offering advice to parents on how to best encourage young daughters.


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