
Topical Term

The right words at the right time

Over one hundred noteworthy men and women, from actors and athletes to business moguls and politicians, describe the moments they heard words of guidance or wisdom--from friends, films, or elsewhere--that had a profound effect on their lives.

Five minds for the future

"In Five Minds for the Future, Howard Gardner shows how we will each need to master the "five minds" that the fast-paced future will demand - from minds able to synthesize and communicate complex ideas to minds that can respect human differences and fulfill the higher responsibilities of work life and citizenship. Otherwise, we risk being overwhelmed by information, unable to succeed in the workplace, and without the judgment needed to thrive both personally and professionally." "Complete with a substantial new introduction, Five Minds for the Future provides valuable tools for those who are looking ahead to the next generation of leaders - and for each one of us who is striving to excel in our increasingly complex world."--BOOK JACKET.

The triple package

how three unlikely traits explain the rise and fall of cultural groups in America
Argues that an individual's superiority complex, insecurity, and impulse control determine whether he will be successful in the United States.

A gift to my children

a father's lessons for life and investing
The author draws upon his own experiences to offer advice on finding true happiness and success.

How full is your bucket?

positive strategies for work and life
Presents an analysis of the positive and negative aspects of human interaction; offers techniques for increasing positivity in one's life; and includes related anecdotes.

Cool jobs for handy helpers

ways to make money doing home services
This book introduces the idea of working doing home services with five hands-on activities to earn money, learn new skills, and get work experience.

Awaken the Olympian within

stories from America's greatest Olympic motivators

Start where you are

life lessons in getting from where you are to where you want to be
Chris Gardner explains how people can overcome the negative thinking and cycles that have held them back in the past and discover true happiness and unlimited potential.

Five minds for the future

Discusses five cognitive abilities--synthesis, creativity, respect, ethics, and mastery of major schools of thought and a professional craft--that will grow in importance in school, business, and other settings with globalization, increased information transfer, and other shifts and changes in the world.

Making every day count

daily readings for young people on solving problems, setting goals & feeling good about yourself
Presents 366 quotations, advice, and affirmations to help readers face challenges, plan for the future, and appreciate their unique and wonderful qualities.


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