Winston Smith, a worker at the Ministry of Truth in the political entity of Oceania, puts his life on the line when he joins a covert brotherhood in rebelling against the Party that controls all human thought and action.
hid | mid | miid | nid | wid | location_code | location | barcode | callnum | dewey | created | updated |
76612 | 3957760 | 2267 | 488480 | 48783 | LETH | 282 | LETH021224 | PlyAw Fic Orw | 1000 | 1575485655 | 1709567815 |
76613 | 3957760 | 2267 | 488480 | 48783 | LETH | 282 | LETH021483 | PlyAw Fic Orw | 1000 | 1575485655 | 1709567815 |
348337 | 4176364 | 2257 | 488480 | 48783 | CLMH | 125 | CLMH044167 | F ORW | 1000 | 1577459752 | 1709567815 |