Americans in the Holy Land

This series gives kids from other parts of the world insight into various aspects of life in Israel today. Written and crafted by three authors currently living in Jerusalem, this series is the first of its kind to bring such insight to children. Americans in the Holy Land tells the story of brave Americans who lived in and influenced the new state of Israel. This book tells about American explorers and archaeologists, colonists, visionaries, politicians, philanthropists, soldiers, spies, scholars and athletes all of whom played (or are still playing) a major role in Israel and Palestine. We'll also meet some of the estimated 350,000 people who hold dual American and Israeli citizenship. These books correlate well to common core standards that ask students to read stories and literature, as well as more complex texts that provide facts and background knowledge in areas such as science and social studies. Students will be challenged and asked questions that push them to refer back to what they've read. This stresses critical-thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills that are required for success in college, career, and life.

Cover image of Americans in the Holy Land


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