Zohar, Gil

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Americans in the Holy Land

This series gives kids from other parts of the world insight into various aspects of life in Israel today. Written and crafted by three authors currently living in Jerusalem, this series is the first of its kind to bring such insight to children. Americans in the Holy Land tells the story of brave Americans who lived in and influenced the new state of Israel. This book tells about American explorers and archaeologists, colonists, visionaries, politicians, philanthropists, soldiers, spies, scholars and athletes all of whom played (or are still playing) a major role in Israel and Palestine. We'll also meet some of the estimated 350,000 people who hold dual American and Israeli citizenship. These books correlate well to common core standards that ask students to read stories and literature, as well as more complex texts that provide facts and background knowledge in areas such as science and social studies. Students will be challenged and asked questions that push them to refer back to what they've read. This stresses critical-thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills that are required for success in college, career, and life.
Cover image of Americans in the Holy Land


holy land to many
Examines some of the reasons the land of Israel is considered the Holy Land not only in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, but also in less well-known faiths like that of the Samaritans, Druze, and Bah?'?.

The experience of Israel

sights and cities
Relates the history of Israel and famous sites including the old and new city of Jerusalem, Lake Kinneret, the Galilee, and the Dead Sea. Also provides information on Israel's water technology; environment; birds, beasts, and the Bible; UNESCO's World Heritage sites; and more.


stories of conflict and resolution, love and death
I have written Voices from Israel: Stories of Conflict and Resolution, Love and Death to give a context to the many extraordinary accomplishments of Israel in the face of great adversity. It's a warts and all commentary on Israel - a country which like all states has its flaws. The battle-hardened people of Israel - Jews, Arabs, Druze and others - are persevering against the Middle East's climate of racism, violence, civil violence and terror. These eight stories depict the prejudice, frustration and heartbreak - tempered with the hope that people experience here. These books correlate well to common core standards that ask students to read stories and literature, as well as more complex texts that provide facts and background knowledge in areas such as science and social studies. Students will be challenged and asked questions that push them to refer back to what they've read. This stresses critical-thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills that are required for success in college, career, and life.

Culture, customs, and celebrations in Israel

Discusses the culture, customs, and celebrations of the people of Israel.

Israel and the Arab World

"Israel and the Arab World, written from an Israeli viewpoint, examines Israel's geopolitical position in the Middle East and the Arab world. The status of many Palestinians as stateless people and refugees is often in the news. This book explains how this tragedy was created and is being perpetuated. The narrative examines Zionist chauvinism, Arab rejectionism, the long and convoluted search for peace, and the history of asymmetric warfare and terror. Israel's relationship with Egypt and Jordan-with whom it has peace treaties-is discussed. The reader will meet some Palestinians, including Palestinian Americans, and will encounter a symbol that evokes co-existence and peace. Parallel to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a war for public opinion. The author encourages each reader to have an open mind and to avoid stereotypes as they seek to unravel the tangled truth. Peace begins in one's heart, and not from government decrees; certainly not from propaganda. It is the hope in this undertaking that we may all merit to contribute to peace and understanding in the global village which is our planet Earth"--Provided by publisher.
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