Why we worry

the science of anxiety

"Cant's sleep? Too many things to worry about? Or do you get lost in your mind thinking about all the ways tomorrow could go wrong? Why does this happen? The answer is in the science behind worry! From stomach aches before a big event to panic before a test, middle school is a time when you get ALL. THE. FEELS. But next time you or your friends freeze up with worry or fears, you'll understand what's really going on in your brains. Plus, you'll learn tips to decode what's happening in your body and find out how anxiety can actually be a superpower. No worries! Mental health is still important, so when fears and anxious feelings have crossed the line, you'll also learn when it's time to reach out for help"--From the publisher's web site.

Compass Point Books/Capstone
1 010
Cover image of Why we worry


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