Mayer, Melissa

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The micro world of viruses and bacteria

"The world is full of tiny viruses and bacteria that can be seen only through a microscope. Some bacteria can be helpful, but others cause diseases such as typhoid fever. Viruses can cause deadly diseases such as COVID-19. Young readers will get all the facts about bacteria and viruses, including their similarities and differences, how they cause infections, and how people can keep dangerous germs from spreading"--.

The micro world of dust mites and other microscopic creatures

"Did you know that there are animals all around you that you can't see without a microscope? Sometimes it's good you can't see them. As you shed dead skin cells, thousands of dust mites gobble them up. Gross! Tiny water bears are super tough. They can survive in Earth's coldest and hottest places and even in space! Young readers will learn amazing, weird, and sometimes gross facts about a variety of microscopic creatures"--.

Why we rage

the science of anger
"Have you ever blown up at your best friend or sibling? Maybe you were just so angry, but you didn't really know why. The answer is in the science of rage! Whether you keep your anger bottled up or sometimes lash out with or without meaning to, middle school is a time when you get ALL. THE. FEELS. But next time you or your friends get mad, you'll understand what's really going on in your brains. Plus, you'll learn tips to decode aggressive body language and how to listen when your anger is telling you something is wrong. Find out what's happening in your body and how anger can actually be useful. But keep your head! Mental health is still important, so when rage and aggressive feelings have crossed the line, you'll also learn then it's time to reach out for help"--From the publisher's web site.
Cover image of Why we rage

Why we worry

the science of anxiety
"Cant's sleep? Too many things to worry about? Or do you get lost in your mind thinking about all the ways tomorrow could go wrong? Why does this happen? The answer is in the science behind worry! From stomach aches before a big event to panic before a test, middle school is a time when you get ALL. THE. FEELS. But next time you or your friends freeze up with worry or fears, you'll understand what's really going on in your brains. Plus, you'll learn tips to decode what's happening in your body and find out how anxiety can actually be a superpower. No worries! Mental health is still important, so when fears and anxious feelings have crossed the line, you'll also learn when it's time to reach out for help"--From the publisher's web site.
Cover image of Why we worry

Coping with date rape and acquaintance rape

The statistics associated with date rape and acquaintance rape are staggering, especially for teens and young adults, who are at the highest risk. With warmth and candor, this straightforward guide offers frank advice and insightful context to demystify concepts like rape and consent, and provides advice for what to do after experiencing date rape or acquaintance rape. Features include questions for an expert, myths and facts, and illuminating sidebars. Thoughtfully inclusive, readers are empowered to confront social norms and attitudes that perpetuate rape culture and consider the intersectional nature of sexual violence.

Coping with date rape and acquaintance rape

"[This] guide offers . . . advice and . . . context to demystify concepts like rape and consent, and provides advice for what to do after experiencing date rape or acquaintance rape"--Provided by publisher.
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