The last Halloween

"It's a lonely Halloween night for ten-year-old Mona. While everyone else is out having a ghoulishly good time, she's stuck inside without so much as a scary movie to watch. Just when she figures this evening can't get much worse, a giant monster appears in her living room, proving her very, very wrong. Running for her life, Mona quickly sees that she's not alone; trick-or-treating's been canceled due to monster invasion! A barrier keeping billions of monsters at bay has broken and the horrific hordes have descended upon humanity, wreaking bloody havoc everywhere they stomp, slither, or squish. She may not be equipped for it, but it's up to Mona to save the world with a team of fellow weirdos by her side. Perhaps they will succeed. Or perhaps this will be . . . The Last Halloween"

Iron Circus Comics


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