The Russian pink

a novel

"The Russian Pink is a 464-carat, rose-hued diamond that shows up around the neck of Honey Li, the wife of presidential candidate Harry Nash. Nash, the presumptive winner of the upcoming election, is in debt to Russian oligarchs for the diamond, and they will undoubtedly expect payback from him if he wins the presidency. When Alex Turner, an investigator for the U.S. Treasury Department's diamond division, and former CIA agent, discovers this connection, he engages in an adrenaline-fueled attempt to unravel the web of lies and betrayals behind a conspiracy that threatens the survival of the free world. Some stones are called 'blood diamonds' for a reason, and wherever the Russian Pink goes, death somehow follows. A bruised-and-battered Turner, made all the more determined byan attack on his daughter, contends with assassins, power-mad politicians, and greedy billionaires, assisted by a young Russian woman who appears to be working alternately for the good guys, the bad guys, and herself"--Booklist.

Pegasus Crime


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