"Anne Bonny had it all--her own ship, a pirate crew, and a fearsome reputation. But a new enemy has her on the run and it'll take all of Anne's courage to stay afloat. . . The night before a major heist, Anne has an unsettling dream, and come morning, the robbery is thwarted by Woodes Rogers, a zealot who has sworn to eliminate piracy. With no plan to escape, Anne must persuade her crew to seek the meaning of her dream--or perish"--Provided by publisher.
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3531994 | 6898072 | 2331 | 831007 | 946888 | RHBU | 401 | RHBU1385426 | GRA FIC MAG | 1000 | 1642789712 | 1736518457 |
3536997 | 6901941 | 2338 | 831007 | 946888 | RHVO | 406 | RHVO043173 | GN MAG | 1000 | 1642789712 | 1736518457 |
3806478 | 7117961 | 2426 | 831007 | 946888 | VCJ | 433 | VCJ2000487 | GN MAG | 1000 | 1695044385 | 1736800991 |