A humorous guide to Rock Paper Scissors (RPS), reviewing the history of the decision-making activity, explaining how to play, and covering basic and advanced strategies, gamesmanship, variations, and professional-level game etiquette.
While planning a wedding as part of an assignment for her eighth-grade health class, Alice thinks about her father's and older brother's love lives and learns that you cannot prepare for all of life's decisions.
Presents a hands-on guide to learning to recognize the thinking styles of others and choose the right style of thinking in order to help achieve goals and influence others.
Contains essays in which the authors examine the reasons why the United States invaded Cuba at the Bay of Pigs in 1961, why the invasion failed, and how the incident has affected U.S. foreign policy and U.S.-Cuban relations.
Presents helpful and interesting guides through some decision-making processes and gives the tools needed to choose wisely. Also examined are influences that affect our choices, such as advertising campaigns, home environment, and peer pressure.