Examines the key decisions made by President John F. Kennedy before his assassination, discussing the events leading to the decision and the impact those decisions had on the country.
Examines eight historic decisions of the United States Senate: Prohibition, the Social Security Act, the Taft-Hartley Act, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, direct election of the president, the War Powers Act, the Gramm-Rudman bill, and the Brady bill.
the 28 toughest presidential decisions and how they changed history
Craughwell, Thomas J.
Highlights groundbreaking presidential decisions, from the Louisiana Purchase to the creation of the G.I. Bill, that changed the face of United States history.
Explains what it means to be right or wrong and why it matters so much to people, arguing that the tendency to make mistakes is an essential part of human intelligence.
Explores the reasons why irrational thought often overcomes level-headed practices, explaining the structural patterns that cause people to make the same mistakes repeatedly, with new insight into the 2008 financial crisis.
Defines the mastery of risk as the boundary that delineates modern times from the past, telling the story of a group of thinkers whose vision brought humanity to an understanding of how to use numbers to scrutinize what happened in the past as a means of predicting the future.
An introduction to the legislative branch of government that describes the framework presented in the United States Constitution, the history of the legislature, and the duties entrusted to this group of individuals.