A documentary about a school project that taught an entire community about the Holocaust. The students of Whitwell Middle School in Tennessee collected a paper clip for each person who died in the Holocaust.
Explores the history of the genocide that occurred during the Yogoslav War of 1991 to all the non-Serbs in order for them to have control in that area of the world.
How is race defined and perceived in America today, and how do these definitions and perceptions compare to attitudes 100 years ago ... or 200 years ago? This four-volume set addresses many topics related to race in the United States.
This definitive edition of the celebrated Anne Frank Diary offers a complete and reliable view of the terrible odyssey lived during World War II by the Frank family. After the invasion of the Netherlands, the Franks hid from the Gestapo in an attic for more than two years until they were discovered and sent to concentration camps.
Describes the formation and destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto by the Nazis, covering the causes of the formation of the ghetto, daily life in the ghetto, the events that led to the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, and the aftermath of the uprising.
Traces the history of Hispanic Americans, discussing how the group's history and development has been linked to the colonization and territorial expansion of contemporary America.
Examines the tensions and conflicts in the Sudan, discussing ethnic and regional divisions, rebellions and massacres of the Darfur region, and fights over oil, water, land, and human rights.
The author set off to write a book about writing, but found himself grappling with deeper questions about how our stories--our reporting and imaginative narratives and mythmakes--expose and distort our realities. The author discusses the urgent need to untangle ourselves from the destructive myths that shape our society and embrace the liberating power of truth. He uses person stories about trips to Africa, South Carolina, and Palestine to explain his stance.