Wolfson, Evelyn

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Mythology of the Romans

"Explores the stories of some of the most prominent figures in Roman mythology, such as Romulus and Remus, Jupiter, Venus, Mars, and Apollo and the story of the Aeneid. Each tale includes a detailed introduction to the culture of ancient Rome, as well as expert commentary written by scholars and specialists."--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Mythology of the Romans

Mythology of the American Indians

Shares Native American myths from nine different culture areas.

Growing up Indian

Uses question and answer format to describe life for Indian children long ago, as they learned to preserve their culture and prepared for adulthood.

Mythology of the Romans

"Explores the stories of some of the most prominent figures in Roman mythology, such as Romulus and Remus, Jupiter, Venus, Mars, and Apollo and the story of the Aeneid. Each tale includes a detailed introduction to the culture of ancient Rome, as well as expert commentary written by scholars and specialists."--.

Mythology of the inuit

Retells seven myths of the Inuit, and includes question-and-answer sections and an expert commentary.

Mythology of the American Indians

Shares Native American myths from nine different culture areas.

Mythology of King Arthur and his knights

Examines both legend and historical fact surrounding King Arthur and the Dark Ages in the British Isles.

American Indian tools and ornaments

how to make implements and jewelry with bone and shell
Provides instructions for making tools and jewelry from bones and shells in the tradition of the American Indians.

The Teton Sioux

people of the plains
Examines the history, folk culture, way of life, and contemporary problems of the Teton Sioux Indians.


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