Wolfson, Evelyn

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American Indian utensils

make your own baskets, pottery, and woodenware with natural materials

From Abenaki to Zuni

a dictionary of native American tribes
An alphabetical identification of sixty-eight of the larger North American Indian tribes, describing their habitats, social life and customs, food, means of travel, and modern descendants.

Roman mythology

Includes the stories of the major Roman gods and heroes along with commentaries on each myth.

Growing up Indian

Uses question and answer format to describe life for Indian children long ago, as they learned to preserve their culture and prepared for adulthood.

Inuit mythology

Retells seven myths of the Inuit. Each myth is followed by a question-and-answer section and an expert commentary.

Native Americans

this book looks at the lives and traditions of four tribes : the Iroquois, Cherokee, Sioux, and Hopi
Describes the histories of the Iroquois, Cherokee, Sioux, and Hopi people, covering their early societies, their traditional ways of life, and such events as the Trail of Tears.

King Arthur and his knights in mythology

Examines both legend and historical fact surrounding King Arthur and the Dark Ages in the British Isles.

From the earth to beyond the sky

Native American medicine
An illustrated account of the traditions and customs of Native American medicine men.

American Indian mythology

Discusses various American Indian myths, including creation stories and tales of principal characters.

Native Americans

Describes the histories of the Iroquois, Cherokee, Sioux, and Hopi people, covering their early societies, their traditional ways of life, and such events as the Trail of Tears.


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