Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw

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Farm animals

Text and photos discuss farm and ranch animals upon which we depend for survival.

A picture book of ponies

Text and photographs describe the physical characteristics, behavior, breeds, and uses of ponies.

Bears of the world

Discusses the behavior and physical characteristics of the seven species of bears, the mysteries of bear hibernation, the relationship between bears and humans throughout history, and the need to understand, protect, and live with bears.

Thoroughbred horses

Text and photographs present the history of thoroughbred horses, how they are trained to be some of the fastest horses in the world, the competitive sports in which they participate, and some well-known horses.

Weasels, otters, skunks, and their family

Introduces the characteristics and habits of various members of the weasel family including the sea and river otter, mink, skunk, badger, and others.

How insects communicate

Discusses the variety of ways used by insects to communicate. Includes butterflies, ants, bees, termites, and many others.

Bacteria, how they affect other living things

Describes the characteristics, functions, and kinds of bacteria, how some keep us healthy and others make us sick, and research done by scientists in using bacteria to improve the quality of human life.

Horses of America

Discusses the evolution and characteristics of various breeds of horses and identifies breeds for work, sports, and pleasure, and those that are "all-around" horses.


Describes the physical characteristics and habits of ospreys, or fish hawks, as well as threats to their survival and efforts to protect them.

Christmas trees

Discusses the origins of the Christmas tree and methods of farming Christmas trees.


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