In 1610, ten-year-old Elizabeth continues a journal of her experiences living in Jamestown, as her brother Caleb rejoins the family, a new strict governor comes to the colony, and her father considers remarriage.
Explores the history of Jamestown, the first permanent English colony in America, established in 1607, looking at what researchers and archaeologists have learned since 1994 through the Jamestown Rediscovery project.
Sam Collier, a twelve-year-old, serves as page to John Smith during the relentless hardship experienced by the founders at the first permanent English settlement in the New World.
A biography of the Powhatan Indian woman who befriended the English settlers at Jamestown, Virginia, and helped maintain peace between her tribe and the colonists.
A biography of the seaman and explorer who helped settle Jamestown and whose explorations of Virginia and New England helped pave the way for colonists.
A biography of the famous American Indian princess, emphasizing her life-long adulation of John Smith and the roles she played in two very different cultures.