spiritual healing

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spiritual healing

Miracles from Heaven

a little girl, her journey to Heaven, and her amazing story of healing

First, we make the beast beautiful

a new journey through anxiety
Explores the author's "Beast," her anxiety, and how a Chinese proverb she learned that states "to conquer a beast, you must first make it beautiful," helped her to see her anxiety as a teacher and a journey rather than an enemy to be overcome. Offers readers advice on overcoming their own mental anxieties, and includes anecdotes from mental health experts and representations of anxiety in literature, like the poems of Emily Dickinson.
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Miracle girl

Leanne Strong hates June eighth even though it's supposed to a day for celebration. Fifteen years ago on that date, baby Leanne was purported to be miraculously healed of a spinal cord defect after her mother prayed to a religious mystic who was later elevated to sainthood. Since Leanne's unexplained cure, thousands of people gather in her small town every year to celebrate her miracle--a miracle she doesn't remember but still accepts as real--most of the time. When Braeden Dalisay moves into the house across the street from Leanne, he harbors a chip on his shoulder even larger than his athletic talent. Forced to spend the summer in the same law office, he and Leanne carry on a working relationship that vacillates between stormy and silent. After Leanne finds out that Braeden's sister, Emeline, recently passed away, the reason for his behavior becomes clear. Emeline Dalisay was a girl who didn't get a miracle. Time softens Braeden's anger, and he and Leanne eventually draw closer. But when he and his family are hit with another traumatic event, he pulls away. Leanne wants to help Braeden and his family heal as much as she wants a relationship with him. More than that, she wants a miracle for Braeden.
Cover image of Miracle girl

Secrets of Native American herbal remedies

a comprehensive guide to the Native American tradition of using herbs and the mind/body/spirit connection for improving health and well-being
Provides a guide to more than one hundred herbs, including ginseng and ginkgo biloba, and their uses according to Native American tribes, and contains a guide to making herbal remedies for everything from pain relief to nervousness.
Cover image of Secrets of Native American herbal remedies

Fire is your water

a novel
"Sacred chants are Ada Franklin's power and her medicine: by saying them, she can remove warts, stanch bleeding, and, especially, draw the fire from burns. At age twenty, her reputation as a faith healer defines her in her rural Pennsylvania community"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Fire is your water

Miracles from Heaven

a little girl, her journey to Heaven, and her amazing story of healing
In a true story of faith and blessings, a mother tells of her sickly young daughter, how she survived a dangerous accident, her visit to Heaven and the inexplicable disappearance of the symptoms of her chronic disease.

Bad faith

when religious belief undermines modern medicine
Presents the argument that religion should not stand in the way of children being vaccinated, since unvaccinated populations and even vaccinated individuals in contact with those populates are at risk of serious and often deadly diseases as a result.

The last rescue

how faith and love saved a Navy SEAL sniper

Nothing short of a miracle

the healing power of the saints
A stirring account of the phenomenal occurrence of healings through the intercession of Saints.


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