Miracle girl

Leanne Strong hates June eighth even though it's supposed to a day for celebration. Fifteen years ago on that date, baby Leanne was purported to be miraculously healed of a spinal cord defect after her mother prayed to a religious mystic who was later elevated to sainthood. Since Leanne's unexplained cure, thousands of people gather in her small town every year to celebrate her miracle--a miracle she doesn't remember but still accepts as real--most of the time. When Braeden Dalisay moves into the house across the street from Leanne, he harbors a chip on his shoulder even larger than his athletic talent. Forced to spend the summer in the same law office, he and Leanne carry on a working relationship that vacillates between stormy and silent. After Leanne finds out that Braeden's sister, Emeline, recently passed away, the reason for his behavior becomes clear. Emeline Dalisay was a girl who didn't get a miracle. Time softens Braeden's anger, and he and Leanne eventually draw closer. But when he and his family are hit with another traumatic event, he pulls away. Leanne wants to help Braeden and his family heal as much as she wants a relationship with him. More than that, she wants a miracle for Braeden.

Vinspire Pub., LLC
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