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Root beer candy and other miracles

"Sent to an island town to stay with her estranged grandmother while her parents try to save their crumbling marriage, 11-year-old Bailey feels helpless and cast way. When a self-proclaimed prophet predicts 'a stranger from the sea will change everything.' Baily hopes this stranger can solve her problems--little suspecting her own ability to influence the world" --- Provided by publisher.

The girl who looked beyond the stars

"Sheena Meyer is the girl that brings an extra sandwich to school each day just in case someone doesn't have lunch. She's also the girl that questions and investigates everything, driving her parents and teachers nuts. She spends most days waiting for some grand event to happen and change her life. But this isn't what she had in mind. The Murk is coming for her because of a gift she doesn't know she has. Nine years ago an angel appeared in front of select kids all over the world. In Michigan, it appeared in a willow tree in front of a four-year-old little girl. She's the only child that saw it, the one with the gift. Sheena is now thirteen and has since forgotten what she saw. But things change when her father is in a terrible accident, and she witnesses a supernatural being save him. 'I saw what you did. Come back!' An elderly man, the arrival of a peculiar new kid at school, and mysterious text messages will change everything Sheena has ever believed in, sweeping her out of a humdrum, teenage existence, and setting in motion what one little girl's destiny can mean to the world.

What in God's name

a novel
When God, founder and CEO of Heaven Inc., decides to resign and destroy the Earth it is up to two lowly employees in the Department of Miracles, angels Craig and Eliza, to come up with a plan to save the world that involves getting two socially awkward humans to fall in love.

Miracles from Heaven

a little girl, her journey to Heaven, and her amazing story of healing

Forever Glimmer Creek

When future filmmaker Rosie, age twelve, decides to make a documentary about the miracles in her town in hopes of connecting with the father she never knew, she discovers what true magic is. Includes recipes.

The question of miracles

Unhappy about moving from sunny California to rainy Corvallis, Oregon, and grieving over the death of her best friend, sixth-grader Iris looks for a miracle and may find one in new friend Boris.
Cover image of The question of miracles

Simon and the bear

a Hanukkah story
Stranded on an iceberg on his way to America, Simon remembers his mother's parting words and lights the first candle on his menorah while praying for a miracle, which soon arrives in the form of a friendly polar bear.

Miracle girl

Leanne Strong hates June eighth even though it's supposed to a day for celebration. Fifteen years ago on that date, baby Leanne was purported to be miraculously healed of a spinal cord defect after her mother prayed to a religious mystic who was later elevated to sainthood. Since Leanne's unexplained cure, thousands of people gather in her small town every year to celebrate her miracle--a miracle she doesn't remember but still accepts as real--most of the time. When Braeden Dalisay moves into the house across the street from Leanne, he harbors a chip on his shoulder even larger than his athletic talent. Forced to spend the summer in the same law office, he and Leanne carry on a working relationship that vacillates between stormy and silent. After Leanne finds out that Braeden's sister, Emeline, recently passed away, the reason for his behavior becomes clear. Emeline Dalisay was a girl who didn't get a miracle. Time softens Braeden's anger, and he and Leanne eventually draw closer. But when he and his family are hit with another traumatic event, he pulls away. Leanne wants to help Braeden and his family heal as much as she wants a relationship with him. More than that, she wants a miracle for Braeden.
Cover image of Miracle girl

The miraculous

After losing his faith in miracles after the death of his newborn sister, 11-year-old Wunder Ellis meets a mysterious old woman who needs his help to reconnect the living and the dead, bringing himself and his town face-to-face with miracles.
Cover image of The miraculous

The apocalypse of Elena Mendoza

Sixteen-year-old Elena Mendoza, the first scientifically confirmed virgin birth, acquires the ability to heal by touch at the same time that people start disappearing in beams of light, causing her to wonder if she is bringing about the Apocalypse.
Cover image of The apocalypse of Elena Mendoza


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