Discusses copyright, its history, purpose, and copyright law, including fair use and public domain; also presents a discussion of online ethics, including such things as file sharing and user-generated content.
Provides an overview of Internet research techniques to find information on specific people, places, and events; and includes information on primary and secondary sources, citing sources, plagiarism, and more.
An introduction to mobile communication and information technology and devises, such as cell phones, smartphones, laptops, and some of the various downloadable applications.
Explains what Twitter and microblogging are and how to create your own Twitter account, and includes the origins of blogging and microblogging, advice on what to write and how to build an audience, and provides rules and etiquette.
This book presents a realistic approach to Wikipedia, acknowledging serious flaws and shortcomings as a research tool, while also explaining the value in it.
This book celebrates the awe-inspiring experiences, environments, and simulations modern gaming offers as well as the cognitive and developmental benefits they convey.