1485-1603, tudors

Geographic Name
1485-1603, tudors

The battlement garden

Britain from the Wars of the Roses to the Age of Shakespeare
Traces the history of England during the Tudor period, from the reign of Henry VII that began in 1485 to the death of Queen Elizabeth I in 1603.

The Armada

Recreates the story of the Great Spanish Armada sent in 1588 to conquer England.

Beware, Princess Elizabeth

After the death of her father, King Henry VIII, in 1547, thirteen-year-old Elizabeth must endure the political intrigues and dangers of the reigns of her half-brother Edward and her half-sister Mary before finally becoming Queen of England eleven years later.

The pirate meets the queen

an illuminated tale
When the son of notorious Irish pirate queen Granny O'Malley is captured by the English, Granny tries to meet with Queen Elizabeth I to negotiate for his freedom.


the histories
Presents critical analyses of six history plays by William Shakespeare, including "Hamlet," "Henry V," and "Richard II.".

Elizabeth I of England

Presents a brief biography of the Tudor Queen, Elizabeth I, whose strong sense of responsibility to her subjects made her a much loved ruler during the forty-five years of her reign. Includes photographs.

A brief history of the Tudor Age

Chronicles the history of the Tudor Age, beginning with the arrival of Henry Tudor and his army in 1485 and ending with the death of Queen Elizabeth 1 in 1603, describing everyday life in London, its residents, traditions, economy, and government.

Queen Elizabeth I

Describes how Elizabeth I survived numerous plots and conspiracies to govern England which became a major world power under her.

Henry VIII

Tells the story of Henry VIII's rule and of his genius for the exercise of power.

The counterfeit princess

Vowing revenge when her parents are executed in 1553 by the Duke of Northumberland, teenaged Iris becomes a messenger, spy, and stand-in for Princess Elizabeth during the volatile political times surrounding Edward VI's death.


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