Enthralled by her grandmother's story of seeing and hearing whales singing in the sea long ago, Lilly hopes to see them herself and to hear their mysterious songs.
Sixteen-year-old Janet Bandry keeps a diary as she deals with an annoying family, school, a quirky best friend, and trying to find herself through vegetarianism, literature, romance, and her "Dark Phase.".
Enthralled by her grandmother's story of seeing and hearing whales singing in the sea long ago, Lilly hopes to see them herself and to hear their mysterious songs.
"Josh is usually watching old movies with his friends Sal and Carver, petitioning for more vegetarian options in the school cafeteria, or flailing in yoga class with his best friend Ramona. But when new girl Jena walks into school, Josh loses his heart faster than he's ever lost his balance on a double downward dog. He knows Jena is completely out of his league, but as they become friends the more Josh wonders if just maybe Jena might like him back. It's not easy to put your heart on the line."--OCLC.
Enthralled by her grandmother's story of seeing and hearing whales singing in the sea long ago, Lilly hopes to see them herself and to hear their mysterious songs.
Clara the cat and Buster the dog create a trail of destruction when they try ballroom dancing inside their house, but then they discover the joys of dancing outside, with the moon for a light and all the room in the world.
In her first year at a suburban New Jersey high school, Mary Elizabeth Cep, who now calls herself "Lola," sets her sights on the lead in the annual drama production, and finds herself in conflict with the most popular girl in school.